Category: Immigration

In our experience, Nordic companies tend to underestimate how important it is to get the visa questions sorted out before moving your business to the US, and how much time and effort it can require to get it done properly. In this category, we will help you sort out what different visas there are and how you can avoid being put in the “4 hour room” in the airport next time you re-enter the US.

The O-1A Visa: Your Best Alternative Visa Option

Introduction by USLawforNordicsFor Nordic entrepreneurs, who possess special skills in their area of expertise, an O-1A visa can often be a great option –

L-1 Visa “New Office” Petitions – a Brave New World

  Visa issues are one of the most, if not the most, common questions entrepreneurs contact USLawforNordics about, which is why we are posting

Can I do Business in the U.S. on an ESTA?

Visa Waiver Program – Your First Steps There is no denying that the U.S. immigration system can feel like an intimidatingly dense and thoroughly

E-visas:  The Workhorse in Visa Options 

Most entrepreneurs come to the US on a E visa. Many say that it is the closest thing to a startup visa out there

Lost in the Visa Maze – What Can the Immigration Lawyer Do to Help?  

Visas – overview  If relocating to the US is essential to grow your business, getting the right visa will be crucial for success.  For some companies, moving to Silicon Valley, or the US, is the only option